Thursday, May 24, 2007

More TV Talk

Because I am completely confounded by last night's LOST finale (and still not ready to address the terrible feelings of loss I feel about the GILMORE GIRLS series finale) I want to post my feelings on the show and a few - there are really so many - of my questions. I just don't know what to make of it:

I’m actually glad I watched the show in a big catch-up rather than as it was airing because I am pretty sure I would not have been able to stick with it – they have pulled a lot of ridiculousness.

Yes, Jack is a whiny little bitch, but at least he finally told Kate he loves her rather than brooding over it for yet another season.

Yes, I don’t really like Juliet like most people, although I did love the book club episode when she was singing "Downtown"…so wonderfully bizarre.

I really liked the Hurley/Charlie dynamic and Charlie’s cute little “you all everybody” every once in a while when he wanted to remind us he was in Drive Shaft. I will miss his silliness. He SO didn’t have to die in that situation and it makes me mad that they think I am stupid enough not to question it. Why didn't he get out of the room and bar the door from the OUTSIDE!!??!

I think Desmond will make it to the end because he obviously needs to reunite with Penny.

So Walt wasn’t really there right, just projecting? And what I find hilarious and know they can’t help is that he is like 18 now and it has only been like a month since he left the island. Very funny.

I’m so sure that everything Ben has done, no matter how devious, will prove necessary and right in the end. He seems too evil to really be evil.

Oh, also, let’s talk about Locke killing that woman. Locke wouldn’t even kill his own sadistic, pig of a father and he so easily killed day player #2 (I can’t even remember her name)?

Plus, how does that eye patch guy ALWAYS live? What is his deal and will his accent ever improve?

And how about the guy with the Others (again, can’t remember his name) who wears too much eye liner and never ages?


Many other questions, but will I really care by next fall? BTW, it was really only supposed to be 2 more seasons but they stretched it to 3 to prolong my confusion. Thank you ABC.

Tuesday, April 24, 2007

I need a shake up

This past weekend I was on family overload. My mother, who was remarried in a civil ceremony a few years back, really wanted a religious ceremony with all of her family and friends present. She got her wish on Friday.

Nien and I rented a car and headed to PA late Thursday evening with Emma in tow. My brother and niece arrived that morning, and were in the process of turning my mother's house upside down. In fact, Angelina was in rare form all weekend. I won't be having children any time soon!

The ceremony was small and sweet, and afterwords we went back to the house and proceeded to eat for the rest of the day. The next day, Nien and I met Rachel and Terry for lunch (we were inexcusably late - bad directions) and later that evening met up with the fam again for my uncle's 60th birthday party (late again).

I ate so much, that I am now on the diet of all diets. I also started personal training this week, so this body better be bathing suit-ready by summer!

My job is a topic I don't usually cover in my blog (a.k.a. avoid like the plague) but let's just say I am getting pretty unhappy and need to make a change. I work in television, and while I like my company and our product, I am not being used to my full potential. Most days are pretty slow - in fact, I am bored out of my mind. I've also been with the company for 6 years (how did that happen) and am starting to feel like a fossil. I've gotta really start networking and find something new.

There is a grad program I will apply to, so hopefully that will help. I need a really big change quickly though or I may do something rash.

Thursday, April 12, 2007

Cloudy Thursday

Today is the dreariest. As Emma woke me up I could hear the rain pounding on our air conditioner and I really just wanted to roll over and go back to sleep. I got soaked walking Em, then went back to bed and overslept. I got soaked again on the way to the office, and I am still really tired.
I think I've been over-eating a bit lately, which has to be why I am so tired. Or the fact that I haven't been going to the gym as much. In any case, I really need the weather to get warmer so I am inspired to get it together. Okay, no more moping.
Next week I am heading to PA for two events, a wedding and a 60th birthday party.
My mother is having the wedding (she is actually already married to my step-father, Barry - they got married on a trip to FL, but my mother really wanted a ceremony with friends and family). Eric is flying in with Ina, Nien and i are driving in from NY, and God knows who else she's invited. The list gets longer every time I talk to her!
The 60th birthday party is in honor of my Uncle Rick, my mom's brother. He and my Aunt Barbara just moved to SoCal and I haven't seen them in a while. It will be a big family-filled weekend.
I think I need to head outside despite the weather. Let's hope some air will brighten my mood.

Friday, March 30, 2007

Where is March?

I can barely account for my time, but the month is practically over! While Nien and I were fasting (a whopping three days before we caved) we filled our time with season 1 of "Lost" and just kept going from there. We've made it all the way to the current season and will be all caught up in a few days. A productive use of my time? Decidedly not, but it sure was a fun ride.

I think I prefer catching up on series in big chunks because it helps to keep the excitement factor. Everyone kept telling me I would notice a huge difference in the episodes in season 2, but while I did think some of them dragged out more and that the stories weren't as good as the first season, it wasn't as drastic as I thought it might be.

I went to "The Sopranos" premiere on Tuesday with a few friends and definitely had some fun celeb sightings: Tons of cast including James Gandolfini, Lorraine Bracco, Steve Buscemi and Drea de Mateo, Ray Stevenson, Peter Bogdanovich, a few of the guys from "The Wire" and James Lipton (is he really a celeb?). It ended up being a really late night and kind of threw me off my game for the rest of the week. Of course it was well worth it though. They screened the first two eps of the season and it looks like they are going out with guns blazing - can't wait to see the rest!

Emma has been barking like a mad dog and it is really getting to me. we've tried practically everything - obedience school, a citronella collar, taking her right back inside once she starts, but nothing seems to work. Because she is part beagle, her loud yapping morphs into a really loud howl and I am sure everyone in my neighborhood hates her. I've recently seen some suspicious chocolate bars on the street and would not be at all surprised if some asshole was trying to put an end to her (well maybe not her specifically, guess I am being a little paranoid). I really hoped she would cut it out as she got older, but it actually seems to be getting worse. I marvel at how quiet she was as a puppy!

Otherwise, I read "Never Let Me Go" for my book club and found that the spare language helped to make it so poignant and heartbreaking. The feeling has definitely stayed with me and I think about it a lot. I wanted something a little lighter, so I tried to start a travelogue, but I couldn't get into it. I put it down and picked up Nicole Krauss' "The History of Love" which got me from the first page. I'm only about 20 pages in but so far so good.

It should be a good weekend - Atiyah's birthday tomorrow (vegetarian food in Brooklyn) and book club on Sunday (brunch at Alice's tea Cup).

Wednesday, March 14, 2007

So much going on

So it has been a while since I've written because there is lots going on. Last week I went out practically every night, and Saturday was Nien's birthday. We met up with all his friends at D.B.A. downtown, had a few drinks and then headed over to Kush. We didn't like scene there, so we went to the good old LES stand-by, Max Fish. At this point, Nien was starting to look a little wobbly, so we only stayed a few minutes before making our way over to Katz's to try and replace some of the alcohol with food. Nien asked me to place his order and then sat down. I looked over and he waved energetically. Two minutes later, I looked back and his head was on the table. Next time, he was gone. Poor Nien was not well.

Needless to say, there was a lot of eating, drinking and general excess, so my body was screaming for a break. Nien wasn't feeling that great either, so we both decided to do the Master Cleanse - a maple syrup/lemon/cayenne pepper juice fast. I did it last year and found it definitely made me feel better, but I wasn't quite as excited to go without food for 10 days again so soon. I think I may only do 5 this time, but we'll see.

We celebrated Adrienne's birthday today (though it was Sunday - the office has been so busy these past few days, more so than I am used to because Jess is out) so I picked up scones with preserves and clotted cream from Alice's Tea Cup (in my UWS hood). They looked so good, but I am really far gone from food right now - just feeling generally nauseous. Today is day three, so hopefully I can at least make it to Friday. We will see.

I'm also so annoyed because I got Nien the coolest birthday gift, a tee with a working equalizer on it, and it is stuck at the post office, because apparently my doorman is useless. Hopefully we'll pick it up some time this week.

Since we aren't eating, Nien and I have been holed up in our apartment for the last couple of nights watching non-stop "Lost" season 1. So addictive. We are half way through and will need to get season 2 soon. Our only breaks are taken when we have to go to the grocery store for more lemon juice...which is every night.

Oh, I know all I ever talk about is TV, but I started watching "My Boys" from TBS online and I really enjoy it. The characters feel very real and it is funny.

Monday, March 5, 2007

Blog, Blog, Blog

So, I like this whole blog thing because it is forcing me to write, and I am somewhat of a lazy ass in that department. However, it seems like everyone has a blog nowadays, so getting someone to even read it is next to impossible. Oh well, not like what I had for lunch today is all that exciting. For anyone who cares, it was leftover rice and veggies cooked in maple syrup - I know that sounds weird, but it tastes so good. I put the maple syrup on a mix of vidalia onions, carrots and string beans, and it makes all the flavors pop really nicely.

It was a nice weekend, particularly Saturday, which was unseasonably warm and pleasant. I went to my first meeting of the book club that my old intern, Kyra belongs to. I like these girls a lot and it was such fun! Since we read Bill Buford's Heat (which is a bit of a Mario Batali history combined with the author's mid life crisis - he actually gets a thrill out of working his way up from the bottom in the Babbo kitchen, making no money and bearing the brunt of all kitchen discontent) they decided to have our discussion at Otto Enoteca, the extremely reasonably priced and yummy restaurant that Mario and his partner Joe Bastianich opened at the end of the book. I've been there a few times before, but it is always a treat. I think I am going to like this club. Afterwards, we went to B & N to get the next book (Never Let Me Go by Kazuo Ishiguro) and even went shoe shopping. What a great day!

On Sundays, Nien and I are usually fully devoted to TV, but last night we cooked a big meal and our friend Justin came over, so TV took a back seat. We've had this bottle of sake in our fridge for a while now, so it was time to get 'er done. I came up with the brilliant, but somewhat misguided (for a Sunday night) idea of drinking sake bombs, and after a few, we were feeling pretty good. So in the spirit of fun, we decided to go to a 10:30 movie. we ended up seeing Zodiac, and it was good, but oh so long and I swear someone had cranked the heat in the movie theater to about 110. I was roasting and ready to fall asleep. By the time we made it home I pretty much nose-dived into bed.

Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Down South

Well, we did it, a week long road trip from New Orleans to Charleston with many stops along the way. It was fun, I learned a lot, and I'm pretty sure it will take me a few weeks to recover. I don't think my body can handle being on the move quite so much (pretty much a new city/hotel every night complete with hauling too much luggage), but we made it, so that is something.

The journey started when I hopped on a train from New York to Philly so Mom and I could catch a plane together. I had one suitcase, though a little on the large side, but with wheels that made it pretty manageable. Mom had a similar suitcase plus lots of little bags to be checked or carried on. They were heavy and I often had to carry them. She also forgot that she had an enormous aerosol hairspray can in her carry-on. Mom and I have very different styles of packing.

We arrived in New Orleans in the evening on Feb. 17 and our friendly driver, Tillman agreed to take us downtown after we dropped our bags at the hotel. He got us pretty close to the French Quarter and we grabbed a bite to eat at a Landry's before heading into the Mardi Gras fray. We both got huge hurricanes (Mom had a few sips and I drank mine like it was going out of style). I got some gumbo and we both had tons of fried seafood. They had these little crab claws that were delish.

After eating, we looked through some shops and made our way over to Bourbon Street where chaos ensued. Tons of drunk revelers, most looking suspiciously under aged packed the street and the balconies. Everyone was on a mission for beads and we joined in. We did nothing naughty, but there were a few ladies on the balconies showing off their wares.

The next day we headed to the French Market and seeing that the line for beignets at Cafe du Monde was outrageous, decided to have lunch across the street at the River's Edge Bar and Restaurant. Mom got a muffaletta sandwich (Italian meats and cheeses) which she loved and I got a shrimp po' boy which was just okay. Afterwards, we walked through the market, bought souvenirs and tried on tons of Mardi Gras masks. Then we had the yummy beignets (fried dough with powdered sugar) and chicory coffee. Already my belt was loosening. The plan was to head to the Garden District, but we kept stopping in shops and never quite made it.

We found the uptown parade route (pretty much the only route right now because of Katrina damage) but decided to try our luck in Harrah's first. Mom and I headed to the Wheel of Fortune slots and both won! What a great day!

We headed back out and caught the tale end of the Thoth Krewe's parade and the bead quest was back on again. My mother is officially a bead whore. I think she would have taken down a little kid if it meant she could get more. The parade floats were cool, but the more elaborate ones were to come later in the evening at the Bacchus Krewe's parade. We also saw some of the Mid-City parade.

We took a break in between and had dinner at the Palace Cafe on Canal Street. Let me tell you we were eating well. Crab claws in garlic, blue cheese salad, pecan crusted fish for me and lamb chops for mom, all topped off with not one, but two sinful desserts - an apple cobbler and a kiwi souffle. We were gluttonous.

Afterwards we were tired, but I had heard the Bacchus parade would be better so we stuck around for a bit and we weren't disappointed. James Gandolfini was the Grand Marshall (and he didn't look so thrilled to be there) and the floats were definitely a higher quality. Mom was once again energetically going after beads. We made friends with a mother and son who were following the high school bands and even the son started giving my mom more beads. We left with a good haul, and even found a cab though everyone looked at us like we were crazy to think we would be able to. I really had a good time.

All of the cab drivers we had talked a bit about the Katrina devastation. They pointed out watermarks, damaged homes and told us about the corrupt rebuilding process. Though we had never been to New Orleans before, we were really glad we came, and it seemed like Mardi Gras was back in full swing. There was a real feeling of community as well, and I think we met more locals than people visiting which was encouraging.

The next day, Monday the 19th, we headed back to the airport to pick up our rental car for the road trip. Mom dragged all her beads with - boy were they heavy! We noticed the night before that the triptik Mom had gotten from AAA was wrong, so we decided to get a car with a GPS - such a lifesaver which I definitely recommend for any road trip. You can plug in an address, a point of interest or even ask for restaurant recommendations. Genius.

We left Louisiana and entered New Orleans where we grabbed a late breakfast at a Waffle House (I never realized you could get so many toppings on hash browns...the possibilities are endless!). After eating, we headed to Biloxi where we lost most of what we won the day before at one of the casinos. Easy come, easy go!

We spent the rest of the day driving to Montgomery, Alabama, arriving for a late dinner. The place was called La Jolla Restaurant & Bar and was located in the shops at EastChase. You may sense a theme when I say it was another great meal. By this point though, I began to feel like I was coming down with a cold.

On Tuesday morning after a really bad, but free hotel breakfast, we went to Old Alabama Town, a historic recreation of an old settlement in Alabama using houses taken and preserved from all around the state. Costumed interpreters tell you about daily life. Kind of interesting to learn a little bit about weaving cotton into yarn, but not enough to keep me there all day. We then drove to Birmingham. We got a little lesson on roasting peanuts at the Peanut Depot (as well as a snack) and then went to the Civil Rights Institute where we spent the rest of the afternoon. It was fascinating and I highly recommend it. There is so much information to ingest, a lot of it completely outrageous and hard to accept, but well worth the time.

We had yet another great dinner in the Five Points South area at a place called Bottega. There is apparently a low key part to this restaurant that is less expensive, but of course we ended up at the more upscale part. Again it was delicious, but my budget was crumbling from another meal over $100!

Wednesday morning we left for Atlanta and hit traffic. Plus, we ended up losing an hour because Georgia was the changeover back to Eastern time. Needless to say, we didn't have time for much sightseeing that day. We went to the World of Coca-Cola which was kitchy and fun, but I was feeling really sick by that point and really didn't want to sit around while mom spent 45 minutes in the gift shop and then bought nothing!

by that time everything was closing, so we strolled through the Underground Atlanta shops and then went to the hotel, a Marriott Marquis that was nice, but under construction. They were also playing host to a southern women's sorority, and it was kind of cute to see them all wearing their pink and green scarves and outfits.

That night, we had dinner at Pittypat's Porch, a southern restaurant with a Gone With the Wind theme. It was tasty, and I got to try a mint julep, which is way strong! There was so much food, and the waiter was entertaining (a 40-something exotic dancer who wanted to tell us all about it).

On Thursday, since we hadn't done much the day before, we stayed in Atlanta a little longer. Plus, we had forgotten to book a hotel in Savannah, so we decided we would drive on to Hilton Head Island and spend two nights there instead of one. It was hard changing hotels every night.

We went to the Margaret Mitchell House & Museum and learned all about the feisty writer of Gone with the Wind. She was very cool. Then we went to Roswell outside the city for a tour of the Archibald Smith Plantation House. It was interesting to see how well the family artifacts were preserved and a very educational look at life on a southern plantation.

We wanted to grab a bite before the long drive to Hilton Head, so we stopped at a place in Roswell called Brickhouse Pizza. Oh my god, it was so good, and our cheapest meal of the trip! They had garlic rolls that were drowning in oil, and the pizza was amazing.

We got into Hilton Head after 10 and I was pretty much done. Mom wanted to get a drink at the bar of the hotel (a lovely Weston resort that would probably be a fortune during the peak season) and I was a little crabby with her. My cold was really doing me in and I just wanted to sleep. We grabbed a quick drink at the Turtle Bay bar and then I went to bed.

While I was sad we didn't make it to Savannah, I was also relieved to have a more relaxing day. We had a late breakfast at a place called Skillets in Coligny Plaza (lots of touristy shops) and then went into the Seas Pines area to walk around Harbor Town which is quaint and on the water. It was a pretty day. we went back to the hotel and I found a nice spot to read my book (Heat) for a few hours.

Then we had another wonderful dinner at Charley's Crabs. I had this great she-crab soup and crab legs. So good!

On Saturday morning, we did our last drive to Charleston where we walked around the Battery area and saw all the historical houses. They were really lovely. Then we checked into our hotel and had a drink/snack at the bar to tide us over until our late dinner at a place called Langdon's that two women in Hilton Head recommended.

We strolled around the stores at King and Market Streets for a bit, then headed to Mount Pleasant to Langdon's. It was another great meal to cap off the trip. Our GPS had been stellar the entire trip, but for some reason decided to have a brain freeze when we were going to Mount Pleasant. I think route 17 must have changed recently. We found our way there and back, but we had to do a little backtracking to figure out the malfunction.

As always happens, the weather was gorgeous on Sunday when we left for the airport. Back at home, they were calling for a snow storm, so we were particularly sad to leave. despite total, utter fatigue and a dozy of a cold, I had a great time. Mom was a fun travel partner.

Once I upload all the pics I will post the link.

Friday, February 16, 2007

and we're off

T-minus one day and counting! I still have to pack, but I'll do that tonight. Tomorrow, I'll head to Philadelphia and hook up with mom, and we'll be flying out to New Orleans in the afternoon.

There will be radio silence for a bit cause I don't feel like lugging my old, old, 5 pound laptop, but I will post a detailed trip account in a few weeks.

Wish us luck!

Thursday, February 15, 2007

All is "Lost"

So I think I may have made a really big mistake, or rather, Nien may have accidentally started something. I have successfully avoided the show "Lost" for the last three years, but last week we caught the end of an episode and it didn't seem to be on an island, which we thought it was, so we were intrigued. Last night we watched the two episodes that aired. Today I am on the show website. I really don't want to be sucked into another show, but I am feeling the itch. I hope I don't do something rash like buying all the DVDs and watching them in one weekend.

I went to a screening of "Volver" yesterday and I thoroughly enjoyed it. I had really liked Almodovar's film, "Talk to Her." The characters really stayed with me, and I am experiencing the same thing with "Volver." Both films take dark subjects and find a way to twist the stories so that you leave with a sense of well-being and forgiveness. I'm kind of surprised it only got a best actress nomination, and nothing more. I definitely recommend it.

I'm realizing that I never finished my thoughts on "Suite Francaise." Like I said, I recommend the book (along with everyone else at this point - it is pretty popular on the book club scene and was sold out when I tried to buy it at Barnes & Noble) and though it has flaws, it is a great record of the time and an interesting perspective. What was published were two sections of a planned 5-part novel along with two appendices.

One appendix had the author's notes regarding character development, her plans for the rest of the book and the general themes she was trying to bring forward. The two completed sections are enhanced by this appendix. The first section has so many characters and points-of-view that I feel pretty certain that if she had had the chance to edit it, Nemirovsky would have done so extensively so as to make her vision clearer. This first appendix suggests that the story going forward would focus more on the characters highlighted in the second section, a much more cohesive narrative. I don't want to suggest I didn't like the first part though. The writing was strong and the picture painted of the exodus from Paris is fascinating. I just had trouble keeping up with the characters and also felt that the author scorned the upper classes and only found goodness in the poorest characters. I would have liked a little more variation. Also, given Nemirovsky's situation, which I'll get to in a bit, I would have liked to hear about the experiences of the Jews in France.

The second appendix is a record of all the correspondence exchanged between Nemirovsky's circle (her husband, publishers, friends, government officials, etc.) as they attempted to free her after she was arrested and eventually sent to a concentration camp. These letters were heartbreaking; we learn that Nemirovsky and her husband both are killed in Auschwitz, but her daughters are kept hidden for years and it is the girls who eventually ensure the future of the book.

The very last section of the book is Nemirovsky's biography. Throughout her short life, Irene experienced persecution from all corners, and her writing, which she started at a young age, seems like it was a kind of escape. What an amazing woman - I'm so glad I was introduced to her.

Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Busy Bee

As often happens, the week before I am headed out for vacation it seems like my work load has tripled. I really hope everything gets done before we're off. I once made the mistake of going away and telling my co-workers that I was reachable by cell. Three time zones away in Seattle I kept getting 7am calls until I finally said no. I work in TV...this is not brain surgery, and since I am a pretty much a pion at that, there is certainly no need for anyone to be calling me on my precious vacay.

Other than the annoying calls, the Seattle trip was awesome. We stayed at this really cozy hotel on the waterfront called the Edgewater and they were having this Beatlemania fest because the Beatles had stayed there 25 years before. The bartenders wore Sgt. Pepper's uniforms and the muzak in the elevators was all Beatles all the time. I love that!

We went to the Music Experience Museum, had Starbucks at the top of the Space Needle (and practically everywhere else in the city), went to the botanical garden, tooled around Pike Place Market and took a ferry out to Bainbridge Island where we walked along the highway to this vineyard where a crazy woman tried to sell us wine. There were just a lot of weird, awkward pauses - can't really explain it much further. Ah, good times.

Then we drove along the coast of Washington down to Portland, Oregon so I could visit Powell's Books - my favorite book store! Along the way we visited Mount St. Helens, and when we unwittingly asked a park ranger if it was the tallest peak in Washington he pretty much looked at us like we were retarded. Oh well, we weren't from around there.

For some strange reason, we decided to hit up Las Vegas on the way back, but instead of staying for a day or two, we were there for three days. Let me tell you, that is WAY too long for anyone to be in Vegas. By day two I was spending half my time spotting fat people. If anyone ever questions whether America has an obesity problem he or she need only go to Vegas to see for themselves.

Thursday, February 8, 2007

Did the groundhog see his shadow?

I know I keep harping on the weather, but Mom and I leave for our southern road trip in almost a week now and I want it to get a little warmer so we touristas are more comfortable wandering around. In my deluded brain I thought our trip might present the opportunity of dipping my feet into a pool, but I think I am jumping the gun just a bit. Sad, but we will have an awesome time nonetheless.

All flights, transportation and hotels are booked. Spots of interest are researched - there are a lot to choose from, but as long as I get a few good meals, see some ocean, experience a little Mardi Gras (don't expect me or Mom to come back with any beads, we are ladies) and have at least one mint julep, all will be well. Things I could probably live without but would really be super fun include the F. Scott Fitgerald house in Alabama (I'm a fan), Coca-Cola Headquarters (oh the kitch) and the Margaret Mitchell House (love me some Scarlett and Rhett). I think Mom found a place where we can ride horses on Hilton Head too!

I forgot that the Oscar's are on the 25th, the day I am getting back, so I've got to decide whether we should have people over or not. I had so much fun watching with my friends last year and definitely kicked some butt in the pool (if we do it again you guys are going down) so I hope we can work it out. DVR may have to come into play.

I don't think I've mentioned it previously, but I've been wanting to join a book club, and as luck would have it, I just joined 2! The first one meets this Sunday, and we've been reading a book called "Suite Francaise" by Irene Nemirovsky, and I highly recommend it. Though it was one of the first books written about World War II (particularly about the German occupation of France), it wasn't published until recently because it's author was arrested during the war and died in a concentration camp. Her children safeguarded the novel for many years. Nemirovsky had planned it to be a 5-part epic, but only 2 sections were completed, though there are notes on the other parts. I still have about 30 pages to go so I'll hold my comments until I finish.

The other book club already had it's first meeting so I'm joining in on the second book "Heat" by Bill Buford. I am psyched about that one (about his time in the kitchen of Mario Batali's Babbo) because I had been wanting to read it for a while. I love food, and though I am a little over the whole "celebrity chef" worship, I've had a few memorable meals at Batali restaurants (Babbo, Otto Enoteca, Esca).

Monday, February 5, 2007

Winter Fun

Nien and I headed up to Vermont for the weekend. We haven't gone on vacation where it was just the two of us for a while, so it was a really nice time. The drive up was crazy long (5.5 hours from New York to Sugarbush) and we didn't get in until 3 a.m. because our rented Garmin GPS system doesn't account for roads that are closed for the winter. They might want to look into that.

I skied and Nien snowboarded, as per usual. Of course, when I say "usual" I mean since we started going last year. Though I am pretty much a brand new skier, I am getting the hang of it and it no longer makes me feel ill when I approach the lift. I actually thought "this is fun" a few times.

We stayed at the Sugarbush Inn (which has a great free breakfast, but sadly no hot tub on the premises), went to the Ben & Jerry's factory (yummy) and saw "Dreamgirls" at a cute little movie theater. All in all, we had a great time!

It definitely beats our first ski trip last year. we went to Okemo, VT. Not a bad place, but very little to do after the skiing. Plus, our motel, Happy Trails, was a little more ghetto and the weather was rainy one day and frigid the next. We did get to see the Budweiser Clydesdales on that trip was a big moment in my life.

A few random thoughts on Vermont - It is cool how everyone seems to know each other and is very friendly, the names of places are very quaint, I saw tons of gazebos in town squares just like on "Gilmore Girls," people seem to really care about the environment and quality of life and the cheese is truly awesome.

Monday, January 29, 2007

A Case of the Mondays

We're deep into winter on the East Coast, folks, and I don't want to do anything but hibernate. Of course, in NY that would be considered shameful behavior, so I keep piling on the layers and venturing out.

Friday night was the lowest of the low temp-wise, but it was my birthday and had to be celebrated. I had lots of fun, even though the restaurant kept us waiting for an hour and then turned off the heat! Doesn't that seem like it should be illegal? The food was delish and the company even better, thankfully.

Afterwards, a few brave souls went to a bar for some drinks, but the chill walking over there nearly did me in. I was happy to come home and steal heat from my dog, Emma. She got a cuddle out of it, so don't think I was completely taking advantage.

On Saturday, Nien was off in Brooklyn participating in the Idiotarod, a three stage shopping cart race with teams of 5. He came back covered in all kinds of nastiness...apparently the teams throw stuff at each other like fish oil, mayonnaise, eggs, chocolate, etc. Not really for me, but hilarious.

It was a little warmer, so Emma and I went to the dog run, and then I took my fat ass to the gym. I'm eating a little too well lately. Of course, we went out to eat AGAIN Saturday night and I had popcorn when we went to the movies (saw Letters from Iwo Jima to help with my Oscar ballot).

On Sunday, dinner AGAIN (I'm never eating again I swear) with Mom and Barry who came into NY that night to help celebrate the b-day. Can I just say apple crumble with cinnamon ice cream? I salivate even now. I overheard a funny conversation at the next table where a father was trying to explain what Swiss chard was to his two very young kids. I love living in the city.

So here's another state for you. Since I grew up in PA near Philly, I of course went "down the shore" a lot (to the uninitiated that means to the beaches in New Jersey). My parents' best friends live in Jersey near Atlantic City, my cousins on my Dad's side live in Cherry Hill and my cousins on my Mom's side had a place there at one point too. My Grandpop Ed lived in Jersey as well, and I remember one time when we got together with him he took my brother and I to this hot dog stand on the boardwalk that sold lemons and oranges with candy straws for you to suck the juice out with. If you haven't figured out by now that I love food, the fact that most of my memories have to do with it should tip you off. This was really the best treat ever, the perfect combo of sweet and tart, and I have never been able to find it again.

One New Year's Eve we went down the shore with my cousins, and while our parents went out for the evening they dropped us off at a bowling alley in one of the casinos. Unfortunately, they miscalculated how much money we'd need to hang out there for the night, so after two games we were broke and had nothing to do. This of course was before everyone had a cell phone. It would have been the most boring night ever (and it was close) except that around 11pm Liza Minnelli came in with a huge bouquet of roses for the manager. It was such an odd, sweet thing and it at least gave us something to talk about.

Another time, we were down over Christmas and staying at my Uncle Rick's place. I was really upset because I thought Santa wasn't going to be able to find us (good Jewish girl that I am), but my parents explained that Santa would just leave my presents at our home for when we came back. When we did go home, they made Eric and I wait in the car a few minutes while they put the packages out by the fireplace. I think they made some kind of exscuse about making sure no one had broken in or something. I really should have figured it all out, but I guess I was pretty dense because I was so relieved when I saw that "Santa" hadn't forgotten us, and wasn't even mad that we hadn't left milk and cookies.

Friday, January 26, 2007

The Big 2-9!

It's my birthday, it's my birthday, oh yeah, it's my birthday!

And of course, as often happens on my birthday, it is the coldest day of the year. No matter, we will bundle up and go ahead with the festivities.

I got awesome gifts from the parentals and the beef - Dad gave me a cool ring with interchangeable stones, Mom gave me the New Balance sneaks I so desperately needed to replace my 4 year-old, ratty ones and Nien, my techie boyfriend, gave me a speaker system for my ipod so I can blast the tunes when I'm at the office. He also gave me this incredible electronic picture frame that works like a slideshow so my ADD/TV addict brain will always be entertained with a new picture. How much does that rock?

My mother also sent me pretty roses, and I can't tell you what a difference they make in my tiny little office (former closet). All in all, a successful birthday haul.

So, I have very little to report on the travel front, but I promise there will be more to come in the next few weeks.

Monday, January 22, 2007

Yummy Ethiopian

Well, it has been a few days since I last wrote and the birthday approaches. I actually love my is a great excuse to see the people I enjoy and a chance to do something I like to do. Some years I keep it more low key. Last year I went with a few friends for mussels and frites at my favorite Beligian bar, BXL. I always hesitate to tell people that I love it because I don't want it getting too crowded, but it has an odd location near Times Square so I don't think there is any cause for worry.

This year I will be celebrating with Ethiopian on the lower east side. I LOVE Ethiopian because I am somewhat of a vegetarian (clarification - I don't eat meat, but I won't freak out if anything I eat touches meat or I smell meat...It's really more of a health choice than a statement on society for me...I also eat fish and eggs so I don't really qualify for the veg label. I am something like an ova-pesca-lactotarian, but that sounds just as obnoxious as a double-decaf-soy-latte so let's just not go there) and Ethiopian food gives me tons of options. Plus they have a "meal." I appreciate any culture that will present me with a multidish option, and if I get courses, that is beyond great.

So I am supposed to be writing about the states I've already been to as well as the ones I am going to this year so I guess I will start with Pennsylvania where I grew up. I lived in a suburb of Philadelphia on the cusp of two towns, Lansdale and North Wales. My friend Rachel and I both had North Wales mailing addresses, but we were really in Lansdale. Not that we're North Wales haters or anything.

Anyway, I lived with my parents, older brother and three dogs. The story I will tell concerns my brother, Eric. We were buddies as kids, but he got way to cool for me by the time we hit middle school. He was also "bad," so since I was only one grade behind him in school, I always had the difficult task of getting teachers to realize that I wasn't going to be a repeat of the terror from the year before.

I was on the phone and he wanted to use it, but I wouldn't get off, so he tried to grab it from me, but I hit him in the head with it instead. He was so mad, and wanted to hit me back, but probably realized he would get in trouble if he did, so he grabbed a bagged loaf of sandwich bread and came running after me with it. Even though he was angry and his eyes were popping out of his head, the sight of him lunging at me with that bread was hysterical! The more I laughed the madder he got, and he eventually slammed down the hall to his room to make his call. I will never forget how funny he looked swinging that bread around!

Thursday, January 11, 2007

The planning phase has begun

So I still have a few weeks until my 29th birthday, but I've already put together a few trips.

My mother and I will be driving from New Orleans, LA to Charleston, SC in late February. We'll stop along the way in Biloxi, MS, Montogomery, AL, Birmingham, AL, Atlanta, GA, Savannah, GA and Hilton Head, SC. It promises to be an interesting trip and I don't think the driving should be too bad since we are spacing it out over 9 days. The flights were fairly inexpensive and my mother was able to use her AMEX points to rent the car, so we just have to figure out hotels and what we want to see now.

I'm really glad we'll be going through Louisiana and Mississippi because I think it is really important for people to visit and contribute to the local economy.

I also booked flights and the hotel for Rachel's wedding in Hawaii in July. Boy did that hit the wallet hard! My boyfriend Nien will be coming along with me and we're making a vacation out of it as well, so I think it will be very worth it. Plus, Rachel is one of my oldest friends so there is no way I can miss her wedding. The picture above is Rachel and her fiance Terry on a previous trip to Hawaii.

So after all of those states, I'll only have 15 to go!

Monday, January 8, 2007

50 before 30

Hi there, welcome to my blog. About this time every year, the new year and my approaching birthday (January 26 for those of you playing along) get me thinking about what I am doing with my life and how I can improve myself. I usually start panicking and throw myself into something I think I should be doing - last year it was applying to business comment on that for now.

This year is a little more intimidating because I am turning 29, and there is no more denying that 30 is right around the corner. Rather than fret about a 5 year plan or why I'm not married, don't have kids, own no property and any other number of really good things to stress about, I've decided to give myself a break and pursue a completely exciting yet, somewhat frivolous goal. So I've come up with a project that I think will be fun and give me a sense of accomplishment, but one that I can't really put on my resume - I am going travel to all 50 states by my 30th birthday!

What sparked this whole thing is my friend Rachel's wedding in Hawaii this coming summer. I've never been there, and was excited to tick another state off my list. Curious about how many states I had actually traveled to or through, I made a list and found that I have already been to 29 states, thanks largely to a few road trips over the years. That's a lot more than I thought I'd been to! After the Hawaii trip I'll only have 20 to go, so I figure I might as well try to see as many as possible this year, and if time and money hold out, why not all of them?

I'll list the states I need to go to below, so if anyone has suggestions or stories I would appreciate your thoughts. I will also do my best to present a story or anecdote from every state I've been to so far so there will be postings during the weeks in between trips this year.

Thanks for checking out my blog and I hope you'll follow along!

21 states to go:

Alabama, Alaska, Georgia, Hawaii, Idaho, Iowa, Kentucky, Louisiana, Michigan, Minnesota, Mississippi, Montana, Nebraska, North Dakota, Rhode Island, South Carolina, South Dakota, Utah, West Virginia, Wisconsin and Wyoming