Tuesday, April 24, 2007

I need a shake up

This past weekend I was on family overload. My mother, who was remarried in a civil ceremony a few years back, really wanted a religious ceremony with all of her family and friends present. She got her wish on Friday.

Nien and I rented a car and headed to PA late Thursday evening with Emma in tow. My brother and niece arrived that morning, and were in the process of turning my mother's house upside down. In fact, Angelina was in rare form all weekend. I won't be having children any time soon!

The ceremony was small and sweet, and afterwords we went back to the house and proceeded to eat for the rest of the day. The next day, Nien and I met Rachel and Terry for lunch (we were inexcusably late - bad directions) and later that evening met up with the fam again for my uncle's 60th birthday party (late again).

I ate so much, that I am now on the diet of all diets. I also started personal training this week, so this body better be bathing suit-ready by summer!

My job is a topic I don't usually cover in my blog (a.k.a. avoid like the plague) but let's just say I am getting pretty unhappy and need to make a change. I work in television, and while I like my company and our product, I am not being used to my full potential. Most days are pretty slow - in fact, I am bored out of my mind. I've also been with the company for 6 years (how did that happen) and am starting to feel like a fossil. I've gotta really start networking and find something new.

There is a grad program I will apply to, so hopefully that will help. I need a really big change quickly though or I may do something rash.

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