Friday, March 30, 2007

Where is March?

I can barely account for my time, but the month is practically over! While Nien and I were fasting (a whopping three days before we caved) we filled our time with season 1 of "Lost" and just kept going from there. We've made it all the way to the current season and will be all caught up in a few days. A productive use of my time? Decidedly not, but it sure was a fun ride.

I think I prefer catching up on series in big chunks because it helps to keep the excitement factor. Everyone kept telling me I would notice a huge difference in the episodes in season 2, but while I did think some of them dragged out more and that the stories weren't as good as the first season, it wasn't as drastic as I thought it might be.

I went to "The Sopranos" premiere on Tuesday with a few friends and definitely had some fun celeb sightings: Tons of cast including James Gandolfini, Lorraine Bracco, Steve Buscemi and Drea de Mateo, Ray Stevenson, Peter Bogdanovich, a few of the guys from "The Wire" and James Lipton (is he really a celeb?). It ended up being a really late night and kind of threw me off my game for the rest of the week. Of course it was well worth it though. They screened the first two eps of the season and it looks like they are going out with guns blazing - can't wait to see the rest!

Emma has been barking like a mad dog and it is really getting to me. we've tried practically everything - obedience school, a citronella collar, taking her right back inside once she starts, but nothing seems to work. Because she is part beagle, her loud yapping morphs into a really loud howl and I am sure everyone in my neighborhood hates her. I've recently seen some suspicious chocolate bars on the street and would not be at all surprised if some asshole was trying to put an end to her (well maybe not her specifically, guess I am being a little paranoid). I really hoped she would cut it out as she got older, but it actually seems to be getting worse. I marvel at how quiet she was as a puppy!

Otherwise, I read "Never Let Me Go" for my book club and found that the spare language helped to make it so poignant and heartbreaking. The feeling has definitely stayed with me and I think about it a lot. I wanted something a little lighter, so I tried to start a travelogue, but I couldn't get into it. I put it down and picked up Nicole Krauss' "The History of Love" which got me from the first page. I'm only about 20 pages in but so far so good.

It should be a good weekend - Atiyah's birthday tomorrow (vegetarian food in Brooklyn) and book club on Sunday (brunch at Alice's tea Cup).

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