Wednesday, March 14, 2007

So much going on

So it has been a while since I've written because there is lots going on. Last week I went out practically every night, and Saturday was Nien's birthday. We met up with all his friends at D.B.A. downtown, had a few drinks and then headed over to Kush. We didn't like scene there, so we went to the good old LES stand-by, Max Fish. At this point, Nien was starting to look a little wobbly, so we only stayed a few minutes before making our way over to Katz's to try and replace some of the alcohol with food. Nien asked me to place his order and then sat down. I looked over and he waved energetically. Two minutes later, I looked back and his head was on the table. Next time, he was gone. Poor Nien was not well.

Needless to say, there was a lot of eating, drinking and general excess, so my body was screaming for a break. Nien wasn't feeling that great either, so we both decided to do the Master Cleanse - a maple syrup/lemon/cayenne pepper juice fast. I did it last year and found it definitely made me feel better, but I wasn't quite as excited to go without food for 10 days again so soon. I think I may only do 5 this time, but we'll see.

We celebrated Adrienne's birthday today (though it was Sunday - the office has been so busy these past few days, more so than I am used to because Jess is out) so I picked up scones with preserves and clotted cream from Alice's Tea Cup (in my UWS hood). They looked so good, but I am really far gone from food right now - just feeling generally nauseous. Today is day three, so hopefully I can at least make it to Friday. We will see.

I'm also so annoyed because I got Nien the coolest birthday gift, a tee with a working equalizer on it, and it is stuck at the post office, because apparently my doorman is useless. Hopefully we'll pick it up some time this week.

Since we aren't eating, Nien and I have been holed up in our apartment for the last couple of nights watching non-stop "Lost" season 1. So addictive. We are half way through and will need to get season 2 soon. Our only breaks are taken when we have to go to the grocery store for more lemon juice...which is every night.

Oh, I know all I ever talk about is TV, but I started watching "My Boys" from TBS online and I really enjoy it. The characters feel very real and it is funny.